Friday, June 04, 2010

Mental Spew

  • A good article on capitalism in Hollywood by Alex Tabarrok
  • A debate on the least Bohemian city.  For most Bohemian, my vote would be Baltimore.  
  • Interesting paper on the labor market in this current recession.  Echoes some things I am currently working on.
  • Good post on some issues in Asia by Daniel over at Facts and other stubborn things.  One thing to add...there are some flaws in the argument that the US situation is like Japan.  The US banking system is far more solid (look how fast they have managed to return the TARP money).  Japan's economy was under a dual decline of unemployment and consumer spending that helped magnify the issue (US spending has not suffered much since 2001).  Government borrowing was 130 percent of GDP.  I'm not downplaying the seriousness of US debt, but it is not in the same neighborhood.
  • Flyers tie it up!!

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